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Why Aren't Christians
Blowing Things up?

Above Photo: Injured Lebanese leave the scene of an explosion in the mostly Christian neighborhood of Achrafiyeh, Beirut, Lebanon, October 2012.

We know that we live in a fallen world. The answer is not to blow up people and things, nor to "abandon the world, but to keep oneself in Christ and salvage as much as possible from the evil world. Christians renounce the fallenness of the world, not the world itself."

(The Orthodox Study Bible, commentary on Ephesians 5:15-17)
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"In order for the grace of God to rest upon a man, in him must be sincerity and purity ... When in a man exists simplicity and purity in connection with warm faith and piety, then he has Divine visition and comes to know the mysteries of God, not knowing any kind of scholarship."

+ St Paisios of the Holy Mountain
April 2016: Mass grave of tortured women & children among dozens of ISIS victims unearthed by Syrian Army at Palmyra.

Photo Credit: Omar Sanadiki / Reuters
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